What kind of standard lens should I purchase for my Sony a300 DSLR?

Question by Puppers: What kind of standard lens should I purchase for my Sony a300 DSLR?
The standard lens that came with my Sony a300 stopped working… something with the threads on the lens that connects it to the body. I already have a SONY 75-300 telephoto and a SONY 50 mm lens. Is there a generic brands of lens I can buy to replace that standard zoom lens (I believe it was 18-70mm f3.5-5.6) Any suggestions/thoughts on brands and mm details would be helpful. Thank you so very much!

Best answer:

Answer by darkwave420
try gently wiping the contacts on the back of the lens. if they get dirty they won’t work. i would look into Rokinon brand lenses. they are manual focus but are tack sharp.

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