Q&A: Why ignore the minimum aperture?

Question by socalrunnerxc: Why ignore the minimum aperture?
Good day to you!
I have noticed that under the product descriptions of lenses online, companies almost never lists the minimum aperture (largest f-stop) of a lens. Do they assume I don’t care?
I believe that film cameras do not have the issue of diffraction, so it is a relevant spec for film cameras. I think they ignore it because digital camera people (the majority of their market now?!) just don’t care about how small an aperture they get in a lens. Is this all correct?
Well, I have a 35mm film camera, and I want to be able to heavily stop down a wide-angle lens! The camera market just doesn’t care about us film-ies anymore?
I will give you brownie points of you can find me an ef-mount (not ef-s), fixed or zoom lens, less than 23mm, that LISTS the minimum aperture!!
Good day to you!

Best answer:

Answer by Bryan H
EF 20mm f/2.8 USM** min aperture 22 – from this list http://www.usa.canon.com/app/pdf/lens/EFLensChart.pdf

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