12 thoughts on “Nikon D610 Review – Sample Pictures at high ISO

  1. In simple words all I can say is that there is a lot of difference in quality and it’s easier to use. At first I hated it like everyone else but once you get used to it you’ll love it WAY more than LR3. When you increase the clarity the picture holds the quality. It doesn’t fall apart like in LR3.

  2. You may not even know you have the issue. Go out, point to the blue sky, change the aperture to like f/18 zoom all the way and take a shot. I don’t know when you go the camera but all the early batches did. Now if Nikon fixed the shutter in the later batches and that’s when you got it then you’re lucky.

  3. Some people will try to make you believe that RAW is a religion and anything less is crap. Ignore them. Is JPEG going to hold as good as RAW in low light situation like you saw in the video? No, it’s not but you can still do a lot to JPEG specially if the lighting conditions are not bad. Not saying you shoot in JPEG because I don’t shoot it n JPEG myself either but I know RAW is not a religion like some people make it.

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