How to use a Cokin filter

Just another video from about how to use a cokin filter and get long exposures daytime. (evening)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Includes sample video and test photos using the filters. Get some: (Amazon: ) Today ThatNikonGuy (Matt Granger) introduces the P series slide in filters, shows how to set it up, and introduces a range of filters. I show the effect of the filters in the videos, and include sample images on a white background to show the look they can create. Join our new Flickr forum:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

47 thoughts on “How to use a Cokin filter

  1. Hi great video. Just a quick question, I understand that using the COkin P introduces vignetting especially with a Wide Angle lens. DId you crop the vignetting out of your photos? Look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks!

  2. I use the cokin system with a 16-35mm wide angle (82mm filter thread) & with a 24-70 lens (77mm filter thread). For the 16-35 I use the cokin wide angle adaptor which only allows 1 filter to be fitted. There is vignetting at 16mm – 18mm, but from 19mm it’s gone. However, with the circular polariser fitted there is vignetting from 16 to 24mm. With the standard cokin adaptor there is vignetting from 16 to 26mm, with the filter holder visible from 16 to 22mm.

  3. I have a question if anyone knows please answer if I put a cokin filter on a canon 10-22 mm and be at 10mm will there be any vignetting??????? PLEASE ANSWER

  4. svensk va ;)?.grymt!..har precis skaffat ett cokin graderat gråfilter och ett ND4 till min 60D..ska bli riktigt häftigt att se hur det blir.
    effekten blir ju lite HDR

  5. Hi Rytterfalk
    I just wonded when you use Cokin filter system for long exposure photography,is there any excess light comes through the sides between the holder and filter to affect the exposure?

  6. Thanks for the great video! Is the filter visible on the edges of your photos? It looks like the holder was too small for the wide angle- or maybe the black is something else?

  7. May I suggest you look up a person who goes by the name lilkiwiguy87 here on youtube. He has a great series of videos on photography. He gets into lens filters and what to look for, how to clean lenses, how to clean lens filters etc.

    Hope this helps,

    The Meltdownman

  8. Just a quick comment Cokin have been around for many years but after 40 years of photography I am still reluctant to use Cokin Why?.
    Because after spending a bucket full of money on a high quality optical glass lens why should I want to put a piece of plastic in front of it. optically flat glass filters yes but never plastic.

  9. Hi, never thought about this possibility until I watched this vid. Made me go and buy a bunch of dark filters……….thanks for uploading! In response to Nicky282820 question………..ebay has it all!!!!!!!

  10. intressant video.. letade efter lite bra ND-filter videos o hittade denna.. den berättade en hel del mera än jag väntat mig o nu är jag så sugen på att köpa mera filter, blev speciellt intresserad av ND8 filtret, tack för videon! 🙂

  11. I likie your videos, but teaser in the beginning is often much louder as your speaking in the videos. Maybe you can fix that(in example with a limiter) in upcoming videos. would be great.

  12. do you use the Cokin P series too? I thought its’ supposed to be for focal lengths 35mm or greater? If not, what filter holder do you use? Look forward to your reply. Cheers

  13. Matt, I thought I would check if my ND filter was doing more than reducing the volume of light. I set the camera to aperture priority, Taking a shot without any filter and then taking a shot of the same scene the ND8 filter fitted. I expected that if my ND filter reduced just the volume of light that the camera would adjust the shutter accordingly and when comparing the two shots to see little difference. However I see a drop in colour. Could this be due to a low cost filter or is this normal?

  14. Nice idea for showing how they work 🙂
    i think if you push AE-Lock button , the camera doesen`t auto exposure.
    in the setting maybe!
    helpful thanks matt

  15. I love the cokin P filters, but just thought I’d highlight a slight mistake in the video: the 121L is an ND2 grad 1-stop filter, the 121M is an ND4 grad 2-stop filter and the 121S is an ND8 grad 3-stop filter. Other than that nice video. I’d like to upgrade to a 100mm size system in the future, as with the P filter I can only have one filter on my wide angle as it’s 82mm and needs the wide angle adaptor (which can only take 1 filter).

  16. Hi Mat, Just watched your video on Cokin filters and I found it to be very helpful, I have just started to use the cokin system and have found it to be very goo I have bought the P071 Witch I found to be great for portrait shots the other two filters I have are compatible with the cokin system and they are KOOD Filters and they are GG1 AND THE ND4 Filters. Ilook forward to watching your next video. Regards Rob

  17. Hi Matt!! now i use 18-55 lens, so i need 52mm holder, in future can i change the holder, if i use any other wide lens?? and can i use circular polariser with that holder?? thanks!!!

  18. Hello.

    Thank you, the video helped a-lot. One quick question, because of the bulbous glass of the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X will the 77mm adapter ring still function or do I need something different ?



  19. Good Day Matt! I shoot with a Canon system. I use UV filters and polarizing filters. The UV filters stays on my lenes all the time as protection for the glass. I use the polarizier filter when I am dealing with reflective services. Glass, water even walls painted with high gloss paints. Its great for reducing glare! I have a shoot lined up for outdoor in the moring so Iam going to get the ND filter next.

  20. God! don’t put your intro and outro music up so loud! I had to turn down my volume when the video started and then turn it up when you started talking. That’s not really a big deal, but I might have woke up my neighbors as soon as you got done talking and played the outro music.

  21. By doesn’t have all of the manual setting you mean for the camera compensating when you put the filters on what do you mean? Do you mean that the camera only has setting like cloudy, sunny, tungsten etc for the white balance? Thanks Matt!

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