CES 2012 Canon D1X Sneak Peek In Action

Ok first off the new camera is one of 2 hand built units that exist. They do not allow you to have full access to all the menus of the camera, The Joystick is taped down, The CF card door is taped shut. But I did play with it bunch. I will make a more comprehensive review tomorrow Canon is well represented this year. They have every single lens they make at the show ready to be tested. I have to say this is the Nicest Canon Camera I have ever seen. It was so wonderful. I hope to sell a kidney to afford it. At ISO 51200 and still 2 stops from the top end, I was making images that are almost noise free. They have taped the CF door shut so I could not slip my CF card in, however I played with it for an hour and I am now in Love.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Ok this I really get some play time with the 1DX, This will be my next body if I have to sell every piece of gear I own. It just feels perfect in your hand. the camera can be custmized to do anything you can dream of. The AF menu allows all sortd of adjustment so one can dial the camera into the type of photography you are into. From fast paced sports to slower action you have full control. The fact it is a full frame camera is just the ticket to make this one of the best DSLR cameras ever built. I haven’t felt such a quality camera since I first laid hands on my Olympus E-1. The Canon D1X is the camera that all other camera aspire to be. Canon really took feedback from the users and built a real world beater. I looked at the Nikon D4 and to me the feature set isn’t even close. To truly appreciate this camera one needs to have it in your hands. It will take many years for a camera manufacturer to knock the 1DX from the throne as the king of cameras. This is by far the best DSLR ever built! I cant wait to see the files and the huge prints I plan to make when I receive my 1DX. I have already listed several items on craigslist to buy this the first chance I have. I hope this camera does not cause me to get divorced, but It might just be worth it;) (JK wifey)

7 thoughts on “CES 2012 Canon D1X Sneak Peek In Action

  1. It’s funny you mention the flash sync when go figure Canon just released that 600 ex RC I think it’s RC. Anyway, it eliminates the need for pocket wizards. I’m sure they’ll be pissed about that. Cool review bud. Makes me want to kick my 7D to the curb lol

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