Art of The Photographer: Your Global Guide to Photography, Travel & Adventure For Limited and Private Viewing Only. Here’s a sneak peek at our latest documentary production. It’s called “Art of the Photograph…

Remember Forever Photography: Part 2: Journeying Further with Your Travel Photography: Upcoming B&H…
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39 thoughts on “Art of The Photographer: Your Global Guide to Photography, Travel & Adventure

  1. +YorumiTech Why shouldn’t one use a diffuser outdoors? Pulling the
    compensation back only takes from the strength of the light, what the
    diffuser does is alter the quality of the light, softens or ‘diffuses’ it,
    much like a cloud naturally softens the light of the sun. It takes from the
    harshness of on camera flash, it’s not about the strength of the light, but
    the quality. And many photographers, pros or amateurs in the know, will use
    a diffuser cap on a flash outdoors, or a larger softbox on an off-camera
    flash unit. Depends of course on the effect you hope to achieve. Anyway,
    there are no rules, or there are and they are there to be broken or bent as
    you so wish. If the results are nice, don’t question the method.

  2. Spend an hour or so with #NatGeo #Photographer *Mike Yamashita* and gain
    some insights into how he works.

    #travel #travelphotography #photog +National Geographic 

  3. I am so inspired by Mike Yamashita’s works, a National Geographic
    photographer for more than 30 years now. He started with no formal training
    on photography except for the love of capturing moments and convey a
    message to his viewers.

    #photography #MikeYamashita

  4. i dont know what to say, he uses a canon 1V which cost tons of dollars as
    well as the lens, 70200 2.8v2, and he uses a diffuser on the damn flash
    with ettl, well guess what? every photographer can do the pictures like
    him! give me his gear i can do the compo the light the stuff like him, what
    so pro about it? my opinion, only one thing to remember, photographers,
    think, before u take. thats all

  5. he tried to capture the moment, because the moment can’t be repeated.
    photographer can make a composition, can create the light, but can’t create
    moment. he tried to capture that

  6. Thanks a lot for this video, Luke Ballard! This is the first B&H video I
    have seen every second of, and really enjoying to watch! And for the first
    time, I am going to watch it again to see if there was something I missed
    out. I really like your style of presentation with a touch of humor and
    being your self. It is so easy to understand with your way of giving
    examples that’s very easy to remember. You’re a very good teacher.
    It’s very interesting that you say: get up early. Because that’s one of the
    most important things to do. You get the best light, you get the freshness
    of the nature, you don’t have to go around other tourists, cars or buses
    because they are not there to disturb your images. 

  7. Nice one Luke..I play guitar and mandolin-want to swap lessons lol, Iive on
    the east coast Scotland Kirkcaldy most amazing sunrise over the river
    forth,The photo is Grose valley NSW taken by the wife-keep up the good

  8. covering the lens and revealimng it is not one exposure its lots of
    exposures. This guy takes lots of great photos but I do wish people would
    get away from dissing photoshop. If the shot didnt require photoshop its
    probably a jpeg where the camera does all the work. I like to reduce my
    work in photoshop by getting a good exposure but nearly all my shots in RAW
    are a lttle flat and require a little work…even when the histogtam is

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